

Discover the karmic consequences of your acts


Bill Van Zyverdeen, President of IAHL, between Sérgio and Tânia Nogueira Reis, during the Conference.

This book was presented during the – “International Allience of Holistic Lawyers – Annual Conference”, on october – 2002, in Lake Tahoe- USA and after in New York (see the pictures). The books in english were registered at Public Library of Washington D.C. and New York, picture below.

 Lake Tahoe – California – USA



Discover the karmic consequences of your acts

For the first time the reader will be able to consult, in a single work, the most different analyses of the spiritual traditions most practiced in the world concerning the most remarkable facts of life, from conception to the moment of going back to the spiritual plane; always focusing the karmic consequence of acts practiced in face of the “Divine Justice”. The author illustrates his clear and objective exposition with passages from his life, from his initiation journeys to the Himalayas, Machu-Pichu, Jerusalem, India, Greece, and Egypt, up to the discovery of his existential programming for the present incarnation, which helped him to find his “twin soul”. At the end of the book, the author presents the results of a standard questionnaire on “Divine Justice”, through two interviews made by renowned spiritualist writers like the medium Divaldo P. Franco and Prof. Wagner D. Borges. Despite the writers’ different philosophical tendencies, the answers received from the spiritual plane are similar in their essence, and are useful to confirm the content of the work. The author approaches many themes with clearness: Spiritual Evolution, Reincarnation, Lords of the Karma, Cosmo-ethics, Karmic Astrology, Near-Death Experiences, Astral Journeys, Past Life Therapies, Mediunism, Divine Judgements, among others.

This book was presented during the – “International Allience of Holistic Lawyers 9th – Annual Conference”, on september – 2001, in Vermont, USA and after in Washington D.C. (see the pictures).


Holistic Vision of LAW

A practical guide for the jurist of the third millennium


In this book, the author analyses all important aspects of the holistic approach of Law, including the main trends in a global as well as a Brazilian justice for the third millennium; he studies the main characteristics of the holistic lawyer and, in a simple and objective way, shows how to improve the quality of life on many different levels such as physical and mental health, as well as energy and emotion, leading finally to the serenity derived from meditation and to the power of awakening our cosmic consciousness; thus bringing wisdom and balance for the benefit of our society, the environment and a life in harmony with other criatures. It is for this reason that the book is being presented in the style of a manual, with many practical exercises, and numerous quotations which aim to familiarize the reader with certain aspects of knowledge not usually met with in daily life, but which demonstrate the scientific truth and immediate applicability of these holistic techniques.

Sérgio Neeser Nogueira Reis was graduated in Law by the Catholic University of Salvador, in 1984, with post-graduation in Commercial and Tax Law; he is Vice-President of “Lightand Life Sanctuary” a self-healing Institute. Legal Director of Unipeace Association, Bahia, an institution related to the International Holistic University of Brasilia. Representative in Brazil of “The International Alliance of Holistic Lawyers” seated in Vermont, USA.


Una Visión Holística del DERECHO

Manual Práctico para el Jurista del 3o. Milenio

En este libro, el autor analiza todos los aspectos importantes del abordaje holístico del Derecho, incluyendo a las principales tendencias de la justicia mundial y brasileña que se encaminha hacia el 3o. milenio, estudiando las principales características del abogado holístico; tales como la mejoría de la calidad de vida, de forma práctica y objetiva, en los aspectos de la salud física, energética, emocional, mental, hasta la serenidad de la meditación y el poder del “despertar de nuestra conciencia cósmica”, contribuyendo con esta sabiduria y equilibrio para beneficiar la sociedad y el medio ambiente, partiendo de una convivencia armónica del hombre con todos los demás seres.

Inclusive, por eso, el estilo manual de este libro, con varios ejercicios prácticos y innúmeras citas tiene como objetivo familiarizar al lector con ciertos conocimientos a los cuales no tenía acceso en su vida cotidiana, demonstrando la veracidad científica de estas técnicas holísticas, y a forma inmediata de su aplicación. Sérgio Neeser Nogueira Reis es graduado en Derecho por la Universidad Católica de Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, en 1984, con post-graduación en Derecho Empresarial y Tributário; Diretor jurídico de la Asociación UNIPAZ-BA, institución vinculada a la Universidad Holística Internacional de Brasília; Representante , en el Brazil, de la “International Alliance of Holistic Lawyers” (Asociación Internacional de Abogados Holísticos), con sede en Vermont, E.E.U.U.